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Research Interests
- Robotics
- Problem-solving and computer-related pedagogy
- Genetic Algorithms and Neural Network Applications
- Signal Progressing
Recent Publications
Sidoumou, M. R., Turner, S. J., Picton, P., Bechkoum, K. and Benatchba , K. (2015) Multitasking in Emotion Modelling Attention Control. In: Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII).Xi'an, china: IEEE. 978-1-4799-9953-8/15
Olajubu, O., Ajit, S., Johnson, M., Turner, S., Thomson, S. and Edwards, M. (2015) Automated Test Case Generation from Domain Specific Models of High-level Requirements. In: Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Research in Adaptive and Convergent Systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM. pp. 505-508.
Al-Khalil AB, Al-Sherbaz A, Turner S (2015) "Utilising SCM – MIMO Channel Model Based on V-BLAST Channel Coding in V2V Communication." 8th international workshop on communication technologies for vehicles. 6-8 May 2015 Tunis, Tunisa
Turner S (2015) "Enhancing computing student employability skills through partnership working in STEM outreach" CEISEE 2015
Ajah S, Al-Sherbaz A, Turner S, Picton P (2015) "Machine to machine communications energy efficiencies: the implications of different M2M communications specifications" International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing (IJWMC), volume 8, pp. 15--26, 2015
Al-Khalil AB, Al-Sherbaz A, Turner S (2014)Feasibility Study of Utilising SCM – MIMO Channel Model in V2V Communication. 7th international workshop on communication technologies for vehicles. 2014 Saint-Petersburg – Russia (accepted)
Kaczmarczyk S, Mirhadizadeh S, Picton P, Salamaliki-Simpson R, Turner
Al-Khalil AB, Al-Sherbaz A, Turner S (2013) Enhancing the Physical Layer in V2V Communication Using OFDM – MIMO Techniques 14th Annual PostGraduate Symposium on The Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting (PGNET 2013) in Liverpool 24-25th June 2013.
Turner, S (2012) Case Studies in Web Sustainability Ariadne No 70 ISSN: 1361-3200
Maunder, R., Turner, S., Sneddon, S. and Crouch, A. (2012) Editorial. Enhancing the Learner Experience in Higher Education. 4(1), pp. 1-2. 2041-3122.
Turner, S. and Al-Sherbaz, A. (2012) What's the problem with problem-solving? Seminar Presentation presented to: Insights into the future of learning and teaching at Northampton, University of Northampton, 3rd December 2012.
Hill G., Turner S. (2012) "Referencing within Code in Software Engineering Education!", Computer Education, Volume 10, Issue 166, May 2012, pp. 1-4, ISSN: 1672-5913.
Hill G, Turner S (2011) Chapter 7 Problems First Software Industry-Oriented Education Practices and Curriculum Development: Experiences and Lessons edited by Drs. Matthew Hussey, Xiaofei Xu and Bing Wu. ISBN: 978-1609607975 IGI Global June 2011
Wang, Y., Picton, P., Turner, S. and Attenburrow, G (2011) The Subjective Measurement of Leather Handle by Descriptive Sensory Analysis, Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association, Apr 2011 pp 134-139
Wang, Y., Picton, P., Turner, S. and Attenburrow, G (2011) Predicting Leather Handle like an Expert Artificial Neural Networks, Applied Artificial Intelligence, Volume 25, Issue 2 February 2011 , pages 180 - 192 ISSN: 0883-9514DOI:10.1080/08839514.2011.545218 pp 180-192.
Turner S and Hill G (2010) "Innovative use of Robots and Graphical Programming in Software Education" Computer Education Ser. 117 No. 9 pp 54-57 ISSN: 1672-5913
Kaczmarczyk S, Mirhadizadeh S, Picton P, Salamaliki-Simpson R, Turner S (2013) Modelling, simulation and experimental validation of nonlinear dynamic interactions in an aramid rope system ICOVP Lisbon, Portugal 9-12 September 2013
Turner, S. and Al-Sherbaz, A. (2012) What's the problem with problem-solving? Seminar Presentation presented to: Insights into the future of learning and teaching at Northampton, University of Northampton, 3rd December 2012.
Turner S (2011) Neural Nets Robotics Workshop. Bot Shop! University of Derby, 28th October 2011.
Hill, G, Svennevik E, Turner S (2011) "Green Computer Science Courses. No more labs full of computers, we're going mobile!" The 7th China - Europe International Symposium on Software Industry Oriented Education (CEISIE 2011), University of Northampton 23-24th May 2011
Turner S (2011) "Junkbots" The 7th China - Europe International Symposium on Software Industry Oriented Education (CEISIE 2011), University of Northampton 23-24th May 2011
McGovern K, Mothersole P, Turner S (2011) "Influencing students' construction of personalised concept maps through the use of query expansion (QE) searching of the World Wide Web" Learning Global, University of Northampton 11th May 2011
Kariyawasam K and Turner (2011) "Is it Visual? problem solving evaluation" Learning Global,University of Northampton 11th May 2011
Goodchild T, Dravid R, Turner S (2011) "Mind the Gender Gap - Reflections on addressing gender diversity in Computing and Engineering" Learning Global,University of Northampton 11th May 2011
Zhao F, Turner S, Hill G, Dravid R, Zhang Y (2010) A Virtual Environment Training System for Haptic Laparoscopic Surgery 16th International Conference on Automation and Computing, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, 11 September 2010
Turner S (2010) "PowerPoint is just the start" Learning Dialogues: Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Northampton 13th May 2010
Turner S (2010) "Initial Experience of using Audio Feedback" Learning Dialogues: Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Northampton 13th May 2010
Turner S(2009) " PowerPoint, but what else?"10th Higher Education Academy-ICS Conference, University of Kent, 24-27th August 2009, pp 151 ISBN 978-0-9559676-6-5
Turner S (2009)"Initial experience of using audio feedback for general assignment feedback" A Word In Your Ear 2009 Sheffield Hallam University, 18 December 2009 pg 12
Turner S, Hill G, Adams J (2009) "Robots in problem solving in programming" 9th 1-day Teaching of Programming Workshop, University of Bath, 6th April 2009.
Turner S (2009) "Tiddlywikis for student developed resources" Transitions: Teaching and Learning Conference 13th May 2009 University of Northampton.
Turner S (2008) "TiddlyWikis for Student Developed Resources" 9th Higher Education Academy-ICS Annual Conference, Liverpool Hope University, 26th August - 28th August 2008. pp. 192 ISBN 978-0-9559676-0-3.
Turner S and Adams J (2008) "Robots and Problem Solving" 9th Higher Education Academy-ICS Annual Conference, Liverpool Hope University, 26th August - 28th August 2008. pp. 14 ISBN 978-0-9559676-0-3.
Minai, A, Turner S, and Hill. G (2008) "Motivational Differences in Learning Internet Programming Between Arts and Computing Students" 9th Higher Education Academy-ICS Annual Conference, Liverpool Hope University, 26th August - 28th August 2008. pp. 197 ISBN 978-0-9559676-0-3.
Adams, J. and Turner, S., (2008) Problem Solving and Creativity for Undergraduate Computing and Engineering students: the use of robots as a development tool Creating Contemporary Student Learning Environments 2008, Northampton, UK.
Adams, J. and Turner, S., (2008) Problem Solving and Creativity for Undergraduate Engineers: process or product? International Conference on Innovation, Good Practice and Research in Engineering Education 2008, Loughborough, UK.
Adams, J., Turner, S., Kaczmarczyk, S., Picton, P. and Demian, P.,(2008). Problem Solving and Creativity for Undergraduate Engineers: findings of an action research project involving robots International Conference on Engineering Education ICEE 2008, Budapest, Hungary.
Contact: scott.turner@northampton.ac.uk
Contact: scott.turner@northampton.ac.uk
ORCID reference: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2735-3220
If you'd like to find out more about Computing at the University of Northampton go to: www.computing.northampton.ac.uk. All views and opinions are the author's and do not necessarily reflected those of any organisation they are associated with
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