Thursday 10th November 2016 7:00pm
10th November 2016 - All Quiet on the Ethical Front: Behaviour and Professionalism in Project Management
Room NW205 Newton Building, Northampton University
Speaker: Brendan D'Cruz
Alistair Godbold stated in an article entitled Are You an Ethically Mature Project Manager? (APM Blog, July 2014): As our projects become more complicated and complex, and our activities span many countries and cultures through the supply chain or during roll out, the potential for conflict and differences on ethical views increases. The range of stakeholders we deal with is becoming wider; project initiators, investors, policy makers, sponsors, project leaders, members of project teams - all of whom are likely to face a broad range of issues. In many instances the managerial problems we used to face as technical challenges now often have an ethical dimension requiring reflection on individual or communal values. There is also the increasing importance of the long-term reputation of the business to consider which is becoming increasingly important.
This interactive session will explore how the issues of ethics, professionalism and compliance are being dealt with by professional bodies, and what this means for individuals operating at the front when delivering projects, programmes and business solutions. In particular, the session will consider:
* Codes of conduct - do they really mean anything?
* Competence standards - are they appropriate, and how can you evidence them?
* Project corruption - what is it and why does it matter?
* Professional behaviour - what are they, and how can they be enhanced?
* IT-enabled change initiatives - are we doing the right things right?
* A series of ethical dilemmas will be presented to participants during the session, and there may be occasional context and imagery derived from the First World War.
Arrive 7pm for drinks and biscuits, with 7:30pm start
All views and opinions are the author's and do not necessarily reflected those of any organisation they are associated with. Twitter: @scottturneruon
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