Thursday, 2 June 2011

International Conference comes to Northampton

The 7th China-Europe International Symposium on Software Engineering Education was here in Northampton. This is the first time that the conference came to the UK.

The feedback we received so far is extremely positive. One delegate said: "this is an overwhelming experience" and others " I enjoyed the conference",  "Congratulations for the excellent organisation of CEISIE'11 in Northampton
"  and "I am so happy to have met all of you in UK"

Other than about 30 papers from Europe and China, three key note speakers who informed the attendees about the HE, ethical and governmental aspects of Green Computing.

The programme included a visit to Bletchley Park, part of which was the National Museum of Computing, including a guide tour of Colossus. The  closing ceremony for the conference was held there too.

Sun Zhigang from Harbin Institute of Technology, china was awarded the  “Best Paper of CEISIE2011” prize. 

The conference was sponsored HP and NEP (ex NEL).

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