Thursday 31 May 2018

Social Analysis of computing Publication 2018

The Computing staff's network of co-authors, at the University of Northampton, based on the University's  research repository NECTAR - May 2018. The data goes back to 2010.

The data was analysed using the software VOSviewer - free software for visualising networks. Differences in colours represents, the clusters of publications with those authors picked out by the software. The relative size of the circles is the relative number of publications listed; so for the two biggest circles/hubs it relates to 55 and 34 publications in this time period. Some relatively new authors, to the University but not to research, explains some of the 'islands' and the number of publications within it - it only reflects publications whilst at the University of Northampton.

To dig a little deeper, going to look at the two biggest 'hubs' through their NECTAR records, so potentially going back before 2010.

To see the source data: as of May 2018.

To see the source data: as of 12th of November 2016.

The line thicknesses reflect the amount of collaboration (papers) between authors. My personal views it shows a mixture of working with some key co-authors, as well as also working with wider sets of authors is a positive strategy.

The graphs below show connections for three other colleagues.

Text Analysis
Based on data some areas networking, vehicle communication and teaching are visible. A couple of strange ones Music and Lameness come out because of some specific projects within the team.

All views and opinions are the author's and do not necessarily reflected those of any organisation they are associated with. Twitter: @scottturneruon

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